Mark Wilson
Executive Chair

Mark Wilson is a Member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia and a Chartered Professional Engineer with an Associateship in Civil Engineering from Curtin University in Western Australia.
Mark has an extensive business background, mainly in corporate management and project engineering. This has included site management of remote construction projects, ten years of commercial construction as a founding proprietor of a Perth based company and the past twenty years in executive, non-executive, consulting and owner roles in resource focused companies.
Mark joined Legend in 2005 and guided Legend through a decade of gold, base metal and iron ore exploration projects including the global financial crisis in 2008. He was instrumental in acquiring the Rockford project for the Company in 2015, which is the cornerstone of the Company’s activities today.
Oliver Kiddie
Managing Director

Oliver Kiddie is a geologist with over 20 years’ experience across exploration, resource definition, project development, and production throughout Australia and internationally.
He has extensive experience in base metal and gold exploration through senior management and executive positions, working for companies including Dominion Mining, European Goldfields, and most recently as GM Exploration for the Creasy Group. He led the exploration team of the Fraser Range project for the Creasy Group, including the discovery, resource definition, and mining lease application for the Silver Knight Ni-Cu-Co deposit.
Mr Kiddie possesses a strong corporate background having managed numerous transactions and joint ventures as key responsibilities of senior management and executive positions. Mr Kiddie is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Hilary Macdonald
Non-Executive Director

Hilary Macdonald is a lawyer with 30 years’ experience in private practice and industry in the UK and Australia, with particular focus on corporate and mining law.
A law graduate of Bristol University, England, Ms Macdonald qualified as a solicitor in London and was admitted to the Supreme Court of England and Wales in 1990, and to the Supreme Court of Western Australia in 1995. Ms Macdonald was Legend Mining’s external legal adviser from 2005-2016, prior to her current, continuing role as Northern Star Resources Ltd’s Chief Legal Officer and Company Secretary.
Ms Macdonald has been instrumental in many project and company acquisitions, divestments and capital raisings. Hilary also brings extensive ASX listed company experience in leadership, safety culture, risk and governance, executive remuneration, people & culture, sustainability and stakeholder relationships.
Tony Walsh
Company Secretary

Tony Walsh (Company Secretary) was appointed Company Secretary effective on 12 December 2016.
Mr Walsh has over 30 years’ experience in dealing with listed companies, ASX, ASIC and corporate transactions including 14 years with the ASX in Perth where he acted as ASX liaison with the JORC committee, four years as Chairman of an ASX listed mining explorer and as a director of a London AIM listed explorer. Tony is also currently Company Secretary of Battery Minerals Mining Ltd and Great Western Exploration Limited.
Mr Walsh is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia, the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.
He is currently a non-executive director of the Women’s and Infants Research Foundation.
Derek Waterfield
Exploration Manager

Derek is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists with over 30 years experience in exploration for gold, base metals, iron ore, nickel, uranium and heavy mineral deposits in Australia and Cameroon.
He has worked on a variety of multi-commodity projects for CRA Exploration, Normandy Mining, Newmont Australia, and Enterprise Metals. He led the team that discovered the Moolart Well gold deposit in the Duketon Belt 350km north of Kalgoorlie.
Lyn Anderson
Office Manager

Lyn was appointed Office Manager for Legend Mining in 2006 and is part of the Legend’s senior management team. She brings a diverse skill set to the company. Her corporate responsibilities include administration, accounting/bookkeeping and public relations.